Into The Void

A retiree is basically defined as someone no longer able to add to the economy.

That’s why we’re deemed evil. Our deteriorations are unforgivable.

I’m now evil and unforgivable.

My final outputs are directed toward a creative mind expanding existence whether capitalized upon or not. In fact, not is more preferable because those outputs are free from contractual monied leverage and edit. I’m funded by entitlement to do that.

Yup. I’m now right up there with billionaire arms dealers and sport stadium owners in the box seats, just no Taylor Swift.

I was wondering how it is 
to be me and make it 
to the end

I’m now wondering what 
it would be like for you 
to be me and what you 
would need to make it 
to the end

I am you
You are me

We are all 
crosswalk matadors

You'll need a tool kit.

The cape, funny hat, 
and tight pants are 
purely metaphor

The homicidal screaming 
motorists are real