February thoughts...

i woke up thinking about our national pastime: corruption maintenance and the ideals behind acceptable life loss and acceptable collateral damage for someone’s vision of a greater goal, which seems to mostly result in someone’s greater enrichment. I have ludicrous amounts of hope a vast majority will also think about this pastime. It really shouldn’t be a recreational winners take all game. Kinda would like the thinking elevated to acknowledging a civilization ending aggregation without shrugging an oh well, it is what it is.

i get weary when consumed
i burn out on continuous thought
the subject too tight
the channel needs to change
the remote needs new batteries
that’s why i’m all over the place
that’s why i’m a master of none
that’s why i stay away from neurosurgery
it’s not a good idea
eventually i’d get the gist and
consider it a day

Work After Death

We work to create wealth, a little individually trickled back for ourselves, a much greater amount, collectively for a few, and somehow we subscribe to how we are so much better off. It’s a badge of honor. Ask the givers of badges.

The work I do now is, as of yet, nonredeemable in currency. Therefore, I believe, I’m considered an unproductive strain on the system and therefore subject to raised eyebrows for the wrong reason.
I seek only subsidy to continue my work as I see it. It’s not a hobby. I’m in the thralls of an old age right of passage now considered unaffordable when money is instead needed for bombs.
I refuse to allow my work to be rendered as such. I won’t surrender its value as such. I deny the oppressive dominant norm.
This all may seem confusing, but my metaphors will eventually explain it all in due time. Trust me.

Corrective Action

In a retirement household, one and maybe two must set aside significant daily time to help multiple bureaucracies talk to each other concerning their particular policies and procedures when stuff doesn’t line up. 

It’s a thankless job. 

Sometimes they each have separate requirements for participation and obviously, they need mediation in the form of us. It seems a little weird, because we are the customer, but that doesn’t seem to apply to mindsets within corporate and government hierarchies. 

I would prefer they battle it out amongst themselves and then just let us know what they decided. Maybe they don’t do that because their lawyers would get involved. 

We don’t have lawyers. I bet that’s it.

Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

 Supply side scarcity insecurity is a market affliction. The placebos can’t get into the dopamine stream fast enough. Stay alert. Check your indicators. Socialists are pointing fingers again. Liberals need more lithium. Conservatives say God says. 

This is the now world of latter day people who used to covet amps, big blocks, and Laurel Canyon. 

This is what we’re left to process when crossing the street in traffic for milk, bread, pharmaceuticals, and skincare products. 

It’s no wonder we search for meaningless realities to set us free from the absurd. 

I suggest we accept the absurd. Camus was one of us. 

Into The Void

A retiree is basically defined as someone no longer able to add to the economy.

That’s why we’re deemed evil. Our deteriorations are unforgivable.

I’m now evil and unforgivable.

My final outputs are directed toward a creative mind expanding existence whether capitalized upon or not. In fact, not is more preferable because those outputs are free from contractual monied leverage and edit. I’m funded by entitlement to do that.

Yup. I’m now right up there with billionaire arms dealers and sport stadium owners in the box seats, just no Taylor Swift.

I was wondering how it is 
to be me and make it 
to the end

I’m now wondering what 
it would be like for you 
to be me and what you 
would need to make it 
to the end

I am you
You are me

We are all 
crosswalk matadors

You'll need a tool kit.

The cape, funny hat, 
and tight pants are 
purely metaphor

The homicidal screaming 
motorists are real